jQuery(function($) { // Define Theme specific functions var Theme = { // Swiping mobile galleries wwith Hammer.js swipeGallery: function() { setTimeout(function() { var touchGallery = document.getElementsByClassName("fancybox-wrap")[0]; var mc = new Hammer(touchGallery); mc.on("panleft panright", function(ev) { if (ev.type == "panleft") { $("a.fancybox-next").trigger("click"); } else if (ev.type == "panright") { $("a.fancybox-prev").trigger("click"); } Theme.swipeGallery(); }); }, 500); }, swipeInit: function() { if ('ontouchstart' in window) { $("body").on("click", "a.w-fancybox", function() { Theme.swipeGallery(); }); } // Add fullwidth class to gallery thumbs if less than 6 $('.imageGallery').each(function(){ if ($(this).children('div').length <= 6) { $(this).children('div').addClass('fullwidth-mobile'); } }); }, toggleClick: function(click, target, classname){ $(click).click(function(){ $(target).toggleClass(classname); }); }, // Interval function to execute post-post-load events interval: function(condition, action, duration, limit) { var counter = 0; var looper = setInterval(function(){ if (counter >= limit || Theme.checkElement(condition)) { clearInterval(looper); } else { action(); counter++; } }, duration); }, checkElement: function(selector) { return $(selector).length; }, moveLogin: function() { var login = $("#member-login"); login.detach().appendTo("#navmobile .wsite-menu-default"); }, setPosition: function(){ $("#wrapper").height() < $(window).height() ? $("#wrapper").css({"position": "absolute"}) : $("#wrapper").css({"position": "relative"}); }, cartDisplay: function() { if (Number($('#wsite-nav-cart-num').text()) > 0 ) { $('#wsite-mini-cart').addClass('full'); $('#footer').addClass('footer-full'); } else { $('#wsite-mini-cart').removeClass('full'); $('#footer').removeClass('footer-full'); } } } $(document).ready(function() { $("body").addClass("postload"); Theme.swipeInit(); Theme.toggleClick(".wsite-com-sidebar", ".wsite-com-sidebar", "sidebar-expanded"); Theme.toggleClick(".hamburger", "body", "menu-open"); Theme.interval("#wsite-mini-cart.full", Theme.cartDisplay, 800, 10); $('.wsite-product-button, #wsite-com-product-add-to-cart, .wsite-product-item .wsite-remove-button').on('click', function(){ setTimeout(function() { Theme.cartDisplay(); }, 800); }); $(".navmobile-wrapper").css({ "padding-top" : $("#header").outerHeight() + 15 + "px"}); if ($(window).width() <= 1024) { Theme.moveLogin(); Theme.setPosition(); // Add fullwidth class to gallery thumbs if less than 6 $('.imageGallery').each(function(){ if ($(this).children('div').length <= 6) { $(this).children('div').addClass('fullwidth-mobile'); } }); } }); });